2025 Stronger Communities Grants Program Round 9
Expressions of Interest are currently open for Round 9 of the Stronger Communities Grants Programme and the deadline has been extended, now closing at 4:00pm on 17th February 2025.
To complete an Expression of Interest, please click here.
The Stronger Communities Programme supports the Australian Government’s commitment to deliver social benefits in communities across Australia by funding projects in each of the 151 Federal electorates.
Grants of between $2,500 and $20,000 are available for small capital works or small infrastructure projects. Funding is available for up to 100 per cent of your project costs. Eligible projects must be in Higgins and bring social benefit to the wider community.
For this round, grant funding will be up to 100% of eligible project costs for all eligible applicants, except for local governing bodies. Grant funding for local governing bodies will be up to 50% of eligible project costs. This means local governing bodies must provide at least 50% of the eligible project costs in matched funding contributions.
Programme Objectives
The objective of the program is to deliver infrastructure projects that provide social benefits for local communities, by supporting one or more of the following:
- support or encourage interstate or international tourism
- support or celebrate Indigenous Australians
- commemorate Australians killed or injured in war or who contributed to Australia’s war efforts
- support veterans and defence force members and their families and communities
- support the participation and settlement of newly arrived (i.e. within the last 5 years) immigrants who are not citizens
- support the acquisition or deployment of greenhouse gas emissions mitigation measures
- support the dignity of persons (including children) with disabilities by enhancing their access to public infrastructure
- support access for children to public infrastructure which enables interstate or overseas travel, accommodation, or education or health care infrastructure or services
- address gender inequality or discrimination in access to public infrastructure or sport
- provide medical services or facilities, or services or facilities incidental to the provision of medical services
- provide benefits to a specific cohort or cohorts of students
- enable or foster the use of electronic communications.
The intended outcomes of the program are to:
- encourage and support participation in local projects
- improve local community participation
- contribute to vibrant and viable communities.
To be eligible to apply your organisation must be nominated by my office and receive an invitation to apply from DSIR. Your organisation also must have an ABN and be one of the following entities:
- an incorporated not for profit organisation
- an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust with responsibility for a community asset or property
- a local governing body as defined by the Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act 1995
- a state agency like the SES
Application Process
The application process is outlined as follows:
- Complete an Expression of Interest by 4:00pm on the 10th February 2025 to be considered by the Higgins consultation committee.
- If your organisation is nominated for funding, you will be notified by the Department of Industry, Science, and Resources on behalf of your MP and invited to apply.
- You will be required to register in the grants portal and complete an online application form. Being invited to apply does not guarantee that your application will be successful. All applications will be assessed by the department for eligibility and completeness.
- If your grant application is approved you will be notified by my office and will be issued a grant agreement by the department.
Completing an Expression of Interest
Expressions of interest can be submitted through this form.
The Expressions of Interest deadline has been extended and now closes at 4:00pm on 17th February 2025.
For more information about the Stronger Communities Programme Round 9, please click here.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with my office at [email protected] or on 03 9822 4422.